behind the genius: chloe gilligan

Meet Chloe Gilligan! Chloe and I have gone to church together since we were both gangly, acne-d teens (although, to be honest, I think that was just me – not sure if Chloe’s really ever had an awkward phase?). I learned early on that Chloe had the combination of a killer voice, big dreams, and the bubbly attitude that could legitimately make her a star one day. Stuck in a status quo Georgia town, plenty of people talk about wanting to get out and make something of themselves; few actually follow through.
Well Chloe did. And though she’s still in her junior year at Belmont University’s competitive songwriting program, she’s already making her mark on the city’s music scene – and the internet’s music scene, for that matter. You can find her on all corners of the YouTubes from her single session for “Munich” to her adorable, self-directed channel to her eerie, Lorde-esque collaboration with her friend and fellow internet-famous musician, Pink Slip.
All I'm saying is...I love/am very jealous of her Instagram, I listened to her EP probably like seven times in a row the day that it came out, and I just feel like CHLOE GETS ME, okay?! Check out her debut EP, Post-Summer, on iTunes, Spotify, and Lost Harbor Music. And keep your eyes peeled for a "Pretty Teeth" music video very soon.
Hi! My name is Chloe Gilligan. I am a full-time student on the brink of turning 21 living in the land of country music and overpriced coffee shops; that’s right, Nashville, TN. I moved here back in 2014 to pursue my dream of becoming a singer-songwriter. I have been writing for as long as I can remember, but it took me until THIS year to get the courage to put anything out there! Writing songs is like breathing for me: if I go too long without it, I start to go a little crazy lol. I’m so thankful that I live in a city that is so supportive of artists and creative people. Nashville is definitely my home away from home, and I plan on living here for as long as I can!
My dream goal is to be a performing artist writing, co-producing (the best part of the recording process in my opinion, this is where the songs come to life!), and singing my own songs. Ideally I would love to gain enough of a following that I could do this as a career, but I could also see myself being a writer for other people and their own music. Essentially, I just love writing stories and putting them to music.
I recently released my debut EP called Post-Summer! I started the project back in August, and since then, I have learned so much about my music, and even more about myself. Post-Summer is about three different experiences I have had with summer relationships. Summer is not a very realistic time for a relationship. Its sunny, there’s no school, no work, you travel everywhere…it’s like every Nicholas Sparks book ever! When fall comes, however, reality kind of snaps back in out of nowhere, and the two of you have to make a decision to keep it going or to let it fade faster than the fall leaves to come. I wrote this EP because I think there is something to be said about those fast and furious relationships. You pour out so much of yourself in so little time, it’s thrilling, but it’s absolutely insane. Summer flings are easy and exciting, but sometimes it’s just not the same when autumn creeps in. This whole EP is a sort of reflection on me learning to love those relationships for what they were and respecting them for what they actually are today.
1. - Taylor Swift (Duh, of course. Favorite Songs: Ours (Overall), All Too Well (Lyrically. This song is poetry. Absolute poetry), Treacherous (Production, wow that build up in the bridge!))
2. Katy Bellotte (hellokaty on YouTube, she has the best monologue videos. Whenever I need inspiration to get my life together, I BINGE watch her videos. Favorites: Faking It, How To Be Pretty, How To Be Popular)
3. My parents (They are so kind and have taught me so much. I am so thankful for how they raised me, and I am so thankful for all their love and support)
4. Sara Bareillis (incredible writer and pianist. Favorite Songs: Bluebird, Gonna Get Over You, King of Anything)
5. Ingrid Michelson (So cute yet so sassy. Favorite Songs: Be Ok, Giving Up, Parachute, Home)
Style to me is when someone says “Oh my gosh, that’s such a _____ outfit!” For example, I always get snapchats from my friends of them wearing some type of striped shirt with Converses and red lips that reads, “I’m wearing a you outfit today!”. Everyone knows that I am addicted to striped cotton shirts. My closet is about 92% striped shirts and 8% Converses. I’m not kidding! My mom gets mad at me if I come home from a shopping spree and have bought ANOTHER striped shirt. But I can’t stop! You can never have too many striped shirts in my opinion, sorry Mom.
My favorite go-to look lately has been some type of sweater, ripped jeans, and brown high-heeled boots. I’ve also been really into shimmery, gold/pink eyeshadows, so I’ve been pairing my outfits with stacked, gold, short necklaces. For my hair, I have been OBSESSED with John Freida’s Beach Blonde Sea Waves Sea Salt Spray. For someone with naturally pin-straight hair, this magical spay has been my saving grace for my go-to messy-hair-tossed-to-the-side look. It saves me so much time in the morning!