fluf squad
welcome to senior year.
a year i'm dedicating to adventures, friends, and a fun mix of denial and nostalgia.
who knows where we'll be a year from now, rivers and roads, all that jazz.
so, to begin this new journey of ignoring the fact that it's all almost over and getting crunk (read: eating ice cream and going to bed at 10 pm) every night, i'd like to start introducing some of my fave fashion baes. this series will be henceforth eloquently titled the "fluf squad".
H A N N A H R O B B I N S :
Blue-Eyed Brainiac, School Teacher Next Door, Sweet Baby Fox Angel.
S H E L B Y E G G E R S :
Hipster Mermaid Queen, Filmmaking Bawss, Denim Vest Button Babe.
& K A T E F O R S B E R G :
more importantly known as k8 4sberg, DJ Dump$ter Katz, Thrift Shop Goddess Divine.
one of the only humans whose style i am constantly so amazed by that i have to refrain myself from taking a picture of every single outfit she wears.

these are just a few of the people who inspire me with their unique & self-assured fashion choices, but more importantly have influenced me through their informed perspectives on everything from social issues to religion to love and life.
so here's to them & to the many more squadettes and squadudes who i hope to feature on the fluf this year!
STEY TOONED FOLKZ, there's plenty more funky fashun where this came from.
sarah & squad
& photography by the #1 bae catstew of stay fierce photography <3