ridin round
Edited by Sarah Crawford
Shot by Catie Stewart and Stephen Gold
Song: Ridin Round (Oshi Redo) by Kali Uchis ft. Tory Lanez
If there are two things I’m going to miss about Georgia, they are my car and Mary Catherine Stewart. Otherwise known as Cat Stew otherwise known as Stay Fierce Photography otherwise known as my Instagram husband / work wife.
So many of my favorite high school and college memories consist of simply driving – by myself or with a car full of cronies. Picking each other up from classes and drinks and break ups and hook ups. Subjecting everyone to endless Drake, planning weekend adventures, talking about how stupid love is and why we can’t stop chasing it, generally losing our minds.
I wanted to capture that in this video. The unparalleled feeling of finding the perfect outfit, the perfect summer song, and the perfect people to listen to it with. And eat rooftop pizza with. And shenanigan around a grocery store with while shopping for cat litter. Nothing beats feeling so simultaneously weird and understood and comfortable and cool.
The person I’ve spent the most time ridin round with is Catie. We’ve been best friends for 11 years and she drove my car-less ass everywhere during the first two years of college. But far more impressive than that has been our ability to live and work together without killing each other. Without Catie’s photography skills and editorial advice (both of which she too often undersells), The Fluf would. not. exist.
Other friends might have rolled their eyes at my seemingly narcissistic pet project, but from the first post, Catie has climbed through weeds with me, documented every outfit and every sneeze, and encouraged me endlessly to bring my overzealous visions to life. It is this kind of sisterhood and humanhood that I hope The Fluf will continue to inspire in our friendship and the relationships we have with our few, dedicated, amazing readers.
A few other humans who have unknowingly encouraged me are the eloquent and inspiring women behind Man Repeller. Leandra Medine and her fearless team prove daily that an interest in fashion does not diminish intellect. They dialogue about real life – from celebrating daily happenings to tackling big societal issues. They spark conversations that attempt to uncover who we are as consumers, fashion lovers, Americans, global citizens, humans.
Man Repeller is currently holding a “Breakthrough Fashion Blogger of the Year” contest with Bloglovin' and H&M. It opened on my 22nd birthday AND closes on Catie’s 22nd (HBD Cat!!). Which is also Father’s Day, because who’s more of a Dad than Cat Stew? Is any of this a coincidence? I THINK NOT.
So here’s my entry. A tale of a small blog, big dreams, best friends, an old car, hand-me-down Hermés, and the pair of Wet Hot American Summer athletic shorts I've been searching for since April. WISH ME LUCK HOMIES, I’M TRYNA MAKE IT BIG AND TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME!

Neither this post nor this video are sponsored or monetized in any way. I don’t claim any rights to the song but I highly suggest that you listen to it on repeat for the rest of the summer!!!
CATIE – All Kate Spade everything.
SARAH – H&M Conscious top (because the Earth matters, remember?!), Nike Air Maxes,
Vintage Hermés scarf from my mom, CAMP Collection dream roller girl shorts.